all about engineers!!


Friday 20 May 2011


Self-confidence- Self-confidence is a great mantra for a powerful personality. If you are not confident of your actions and decisions, you can never get success. Have a firm faith, determination and confidence in yourself as if you are sure of your decision, you will put your best efforts to achieve the goal, other persons will also show the confidence in you and then nothing can stop you from stepping the stairs of success.
Organize your mind- Organizing the mind means taking the charge of your thoughts, emotions and imagination and controlling the reactions, being systematic in every field of life, increasing the efficiency and tackling the difficulties and obstacles by preplanning and anticipation. The more organized you are, the more focused you are for your goals of life. Somebody has said that the way you think is the way you live. So organized thinking paves the way to success in every sphere of life.
Be loyal, honest and truthful- these qualities go a long way. By being mean or by ditching someone you can’t get anything in life. Remember one thing that there is no short cut to success and you can be successful only by being honest, determined to achieve what you want and by working hard.
Try to like other people- If you want that other people should give you attention and appreciate you, try to give attention to other people also. Be a good listener, listen to them politely and if you don’t like other person’s idea, never condemn or make a complaint about his idea, instead praise his good qualities. While communicating with others, always give honest and sincere replies. Never boost of yourself. Make other person feel that he is important and talk about other person’s interests. Be kind and show basic courtesies to other people.

Avoid indecisiveness-
Take all the decisions yourself. Never depend on anybody for taking the decisions on your behalf. Don’t let indecision plague you as indecisiveness may cause failure and future leads to regretful conditions.
Feel good about your accomplishments and analyze your mistakes- Analyze your mistakes and learn a lesson from them and never ever compare yourself with anybody else as everybody commits some mistakes in life and no one is perfect on this earth. Your confidence and self esteem should not get eclipsed by the fear of failure. Feel good about your accomplishments and maintain a list of them. Every time you achieve some goal, give yourself a reward. Be a true friend of yourself and try to find and recognize your weaknesses as well as your strong points, jot them down on a paper and start working on your weaknesses to replace them with your strong qualities.
Try to look good- At first sight, a person is judged by his physical personality as it is said first impression is the last impression. Maintain the right posture of your body. It means that you should always sit and stand straight. Try to look good and you will feel good about yourself. It will increase your confidence level also. Whenever you feel lack of confidence, go for some change in your wardrobe, get your hair style changed or if you are a little heavy, try to shed some weight by exercise or cutting down some extra calories and you will more energetic, confident and fresh since a change is as good as a rest.

Maintain a good life style- Maintain a good and healthy life style as it is a key to healthy body and sound mind. Don’t be a fast food junkie, instead have a balanced diet that contains lots of green leafy vegetables and fruits. Sleep for at least 6 to 8 hours a day because if you don’t sleep for adequate amount of time, your efficiency decreases and it hampers your productivity. Say no to alcohol, smoking or sleeping pills. Reduce your intake of tea or coffee as caffeine is very harmful for your body. Indulge in some physical activities like brisk walk, swimming or aerobics daily. To improve your concentration and decision making quality, practice yoga and meditation.

Sense of humor-
Sense of humor is also an important component of a pleasing personality. Maintain good sense of humor and learn to laugh at yourself also. But sense of humor does not mean laughing when something wrong happens with other person.

Positive thinking and positive doing-
Avoid negative attitude towards life as positive thinking is the key to success in any field of life. But we should replace positive thinking into positive doing also. Many a times, we think of so many positive things and like to do them but the fear of failure or difficulties stop us from turning those positive thoughts into reality. You should understand that these obstacles test your capabilities and you should not let them bother you too much. At this time, just think of your past accomplishments no matter how small or big they are and just go through the difficulties or hurdles you faced to accomplish them. It will give a sense of confidence. Face these challenges, do your best under all circumstances and you will feel the great feeling of accomplishment.

Be a good speaker-
To be a good speaker is also an aspect of a good personality. If you have to make a speech, first of all make a lay out of the speech and write down each and every thought in a proper sequence that you want to include in your speech and while giving the speech, you can refer to these points. Give a proper introduction and conclusion as they are very important parts of the speech. Never cram your speech word to word. Don’t try to be too loud. Keep your speech short and to the point. Physical gestures and expressions are also important to connect with the audience. Take pause at the proper points and put emphasis on certain important words. Speak with authority and don’t be monotonous. Bring a little humor in your speech and make the audience laugh occasionally. If there is a large audience and you are feeling nervous, look into the eyes of only one person at a time as if you are talking to him. Make the
Control your fear and worries- Conquer your fears and worries, stress and anxiety. When these thoughts come in your mind, instead of wasting your time in thinking what will happen to you in future, think of new ideas and solutions and keep yourself as busy as you can. You should know that most of our fears and worries don’t get materialized at all. Prepare yourself for the unexpected and always be ready to face what comes in your way.

Strike a balance among your personal, professional and social life-
Maintaining a balance in your life for harmony and happiness. Don’t bring office work at home on weekends and in office be determined to give your 100%. Develop a social circle and try to spend your time with people who have positive attitude towards life.

Concentrate your goals- Be focused and concentrate on your goals. Avoid all the distractions and give put your entire attention to one goal. By doing this, you will be ale to identify the obstacles and hurdles associated with it and once you identify the obstacles, half of your job is done. Now focus on every problem according to its priority.

Time management- Proper time management improves your efficiency and makes you able to reach the epitome of success. By organizing your time you can do everything you want. Maintain a planner and make a to-do list for every day. Prioritize all your tasks according to their importance. Don’t delay your decisions as it wastes a lot of your time. Don’t think of the past instead, use today’s time for tomorrow’s planning.
Relaxation- Don’t be a workaholic as all work and no play makes jack a dull boy. Keep some time for relaxation and recreational activity. Listen to music, enjoy nature or practice breathing techniques for relaxation. Take a small break and go to a nearby hill station and enjoy. It really helps to eliminate stress and anxiety from you life


Getting worried is not a solution. You just have to get up, make up your mind and start studying hard. You need to see the previous years placement test papers for the company which is coming to your campus for recruitment. Focus your efforts on the written exam first because that is the initial part of the whole process. If you clear the written test, you have a lot of chances of making it in the GD round and the interviews.

After you are sure that you can clear the written part, you should start focusing on the GD and interview part. You can't guess the topic of the Group discussion. So you must just pick up any current affairs topic and start practising with your friends. Just try to improve your English speaking ability.

Especially in India, the English language is a must for getting a good job in an IT, BPO or software company like Infosys, Wipro, TCS, IBM India, Hp, Dell call center, Satyam computers or international call centers. Getting comfortable with English requires you to practise speaking English with your friends, relatives and others for a lot of time. Regarding the interviews you need to master the important placement paper interview questions asked by that company before. You can read the HR and technical interview questions and learn them. You should sound quite natural while answering the HR Interview questions.

Just stay confident and have a pleasant smile on your face. In the technical interview do not try to answer the question if you do not have much knowledge about it. You can be asked questions like If you are in some difficult situation how will you manage it? You may be given a particular programming situation and asked to solve the problem. In that situation you do not have to start writing the whole code and plan for the situation. Just demonstrate your commitment to the problem and the situation. Tell about the approach you will adopt to solve the problem and the basic steps you will take to tide over the problem in case of a programming question.

This is how you should answer the complex interview question. Such questions help the interviewer to assess the candidate's problem solving skills better. So you need to watch out such interview questions in the latest placement papers. So do not worry about your employment test. Your hard work and abilities will surely benefit you. Dont lose your heart - You will surely win!

Sunday 15 May 2011

Discouraging behaviour of a teacher!!

So my 1st university exam didn't quite start on the right note. Anyways, I tried to forget what happened...err....rather remember what happened and I went to the exam hall 'Clean Shaven' once again. Perhaps that was the first time in my life when I shaved for 3 consecutive days. Well, here I enter the exam hall and Lo! What do I see....Oh No!!! Not the same invigilator again. The more I looked at her the more ugly she looked to me. Don't know if she thought the same about me. I could see the "Yeah baby!! It's me again!! tanaaaa!!! " kind of look on her face.

But I had no reasons to worry today. I was 1. Clean Shaven 2. In formal shirt and pants 3. Having decent size hair 4. Wearing formal shoes 5. Wearing no wrist bands, rings, kadas, etc - in short - upto the mark on all of Sathyabama's Rules on the way one should come to college. And so, managing to hold all the accessories I carried ( pens, pencils, calculator etc etc) in one hand I confidently put the other one forward to take my answer sheet. BUT....I still don't get the sheet. What I get is a killer stare and a question - "Where is your right hand?"
"On my right!", I said.
"Don't act funny!! Don't you have any manners?", was a quick, sharp retort.

Damn!! What's the problem with her? What did I do now? Oh wait...Is she...Is she...HOLY SHIT!!!....Is she really pissed off at me because I put forward my left hand to take the sheet?

Yeah...I was so damn bloody right!!! That was precisely the reason. Now I don't know what a reasonable and a practical person would have done or should have done at that moment...but here's where my last day's experience zoomed into view and I did not pull my 'left' hand back. Instead, I said,"Well, Is this a rule too?"
Believe it or not but I had a wide grin on my face.

The next moment she shouted at 200 decibels saying,"No!! That's not a rule! But that's basic manners which all humans follow. And you have to really be an animal not to know that!"
I don't know what made her think so but all I could reply was,"Ma'am...err....I am a left handed animal it seems."
Now I am not actually left handed (am ambidextrous though) and one can say that here I was being unreasonable and unnecessary picking up a fight and I won't argue to that. But given the frame of mind I was in, one can say I forgot that I had a right hand too.

I still had my left hand stretched and there was a pin drop silence in the class. Then I could hear some whispers approcahing me which sounded something like,"Abey Oye! Right hand se le le na!" but I had not only forgotten my hand but had also gone deaf (thanks to some high decibel attack on me a few moments ago)

Next thing she did was to throw the answer sheet on the desk in front of her and shout,"Here, take ill mannered brat......and come with me to the examination office after the need to be taught a lesson."
What I said next could well have been a final nail on my coffin. I said,"Wow!! Using left hand is ill manners and throwing an answer sheet so disrespectfully is so much of manners!! Thank you maam for showing me that some of us still live in medieval age... by the way, after I complete the paper, you would like this to be returned with left hand or thrown back?"

Yeah Yeah I know that wasn't the wisest of words I have said in my life but it did actually shut her up for some reason.

So, yours truly next wrote the paper amidst some really heartfelt curses and drilling stares and followed it up with yet another interesting conversation guessed it right... Lady Invigilator the great!!

"Where are you from?"
"Pardon Maam?", I asked while leaving my answer sheet on the stack.
"I asked where are you from?"
"Ma'am, from as in?"
"Don't you get it? I am asking which place do you belong to?"
"Well, India I guess..."
"Shut up!! Don't act oversmart with me. Else I promise I will make sure you are not able to appear in a single exam hereafter...which state are you from?"
"Ma'am seriously I don't have any other answer to your question. My ancestors belong to Bihar, I was born In Jharkhand, lived in Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat and now... Tamil Nadu....which state should I name?"
"Where do your parents live?"
"So, In Gujarat, people use their left hands for important things?"
"Don't know.. may be they would have done...if they were all left handed"
"Your school, your parents, nobody taught you this?"
"Well, they taught me to be logical...and right now I am not able to come up with any good logic why I should discriminate between my own two hands. Sorry Ma'am, be it hands or states, I don't discriminate between them."
And I left leaving her speechless. Fortunately or unfortunately, I never saw her again.

BY GAJAB KHOPDI..(blog written by a sathyabama student)

Saturday 7 May 2011


“A mother is a mother still, The holiest thing alive”

All my life you cared for me,whatever i am it's because of you,even if someday i would bring all the star of the universe for you maa,there would be nothin' that i can do to THANK YOU!!


The festivals of Cybele evolved into the Christian festival of Mothering Sunday, honouring the Virgin Mary and your Mother Church (the main church of the area) It's now a long standing tradition, part of the liturgical calendar in several Christian denominations, including Anglicans, and in the Catholic calendar it is marked as Laetare Sunday, the fourth Sunday in Lent. Children and young people who were "in service" (servants in richer households) were given a day off on that date so they could visit their families (or, originally, return to their "mother" church). The children would pick wild flowers along the way to place them in the church or to give them to their mothers as gifts. Eventually, the religious tradition evolved into a secular tradition of giving gifts to mothers.This festival survived in the UK and Ireland for longer than in other European countries, and it was repopularised in the 20th Century. Most people are unaware of its historical origins, and regard Mothering Sunday and Mother's Day as the one and same festival.

Friday 6 May 2011


1. A NUMBER OF DIFFERENT APPROACHES ARE BEING TRIED - We are still pissing in the wind.
2. EXTENSIVE REPORT IS BEING PREPARED ON A FRESH APPROACH TO THE PROBLEM - We just hired three kids fresh out of college.
3. CLOSE PROJECT COORDINATION - We know who to blame.
4. MAJOR TECHNOLOGICAL BREAKTHROUGH - It works OK, but looks very hi-tech.
5. CUSTOMER SATISFACTION IS DELIVERED ASSURED - We are so far behind schedule the customer is happy to get it delivered.
6. PRELIMINARY OPERATIONAL TESTS WERE INCONCLUSIVE - The darn thing blew up when we threw the switch.
7. TEST RESULTS WERE EXTREMELY GRATIFYING - We are so surprised that the stupid thing works.
8. THE ENTIRE CONCEPT WILL HAVE TO BE ABANDONED - The only person who understood the thing quit.
9. IT IS IN THE PROCESS - It is so wrapped up in red tape that the situation is about hopeless.
10. WE WILL LOOK INTO IT - Forget it! We have enough problems for now.
11. PLEASE NOTE AND INITIAL - Let's spread the responsibility for the screw up.
12. GIVE US THE BENEFIT OF YOUR THINKING - We'll listen to what you have to say as long as it doesn't interfere with what we've already done.
13. GIVE US YOUR INTERPRETATION - I can't wait to hear this bull!
14. SEE ME or LET'S DISCUSS - Come into my office, I'm lonely.
15. ALL NEW - Parts not interchangeable with the previous design.
16. RUGGED - Too damn heavy to lift!
17. LIGHTWEIGHT - Lighter than RUGGED.
18. YEARS OF DEVELOPMENT - One finally worked.
19. ENERGY SAVING - Achieved when the power switch is off.
20. LOW MAINTENANCE - Impossible to fix if broken.