all about engineers!!


Sunday 15 May 2011

Discouraging behaviour of a teacher!!

So my 1st university exam didn't quite start on the right note. Anyways, I tried to forget what happened...err....rather remember what happened and I went to the exam hall 'Clean Shaven' once again. Perhaps that was the first time in my life when I shaved for 3 consecutive days. Well, here I enter the exam hall and Lo! What do I see....Oh No!!! Not the same invigilator again. The more I looked at her the more ugly she looked to me. Don't know if she thought the same about me. I could see the "Yeah baby!! It's me again!! tanaaaa!!! " kind of look on her face.

But I had no reasons to worry today. I was 1. Clean Shaven 2. In formal shirt and pants 3. Having decent size hair 4. Wearing formal shoes 5. Wearing no wrist bands, rings, kadas, etc - in short - upto the mark on all of Sathyabama's Rules on the way one should come to college. And so, managing to hold all the accessories I carried ( pens, pencils, calculator etc etc) in one hand I confidently put the other one forward to take my answer sheet. BUT....I still don't get the sheet. What I get is a killer stare and a question - "Where is your right hand?"
"On my right!", I said.
"Don't act funny!! Don't you have any manners?", was a quick, sharp retort.

Damn!! What's the problem with her? What did I do now? Oh wait...Is she...Is she...HOLY SHIT!!!....Is she really pissed off at me because I put forward my left hand to take the sheet?

Yeah...I was so damn bloody right!!! That was precisely the reason. Now I don't know what a reasonable and a practical person would have done or should have done at that moment...but here's where my last day's experience zoomed into view and I did not pull my 'left' hand back. Instead, I said,"Well, Is this a rule too?"
Believe it or not but I had a wide grin on my face.

The next moment she shouted at 200 decibels saying,"No!! That's not a rule! But that's basic manners which all humans follow. And you have to really be an animal not to know that!"
I don't know what made her think so but all I could reply was,"Ma'am...err....I am a left handed animal it seems."
Now I am not actually left handed (am ambidextrous though) and one can say that here I was being unreasonable and unnecessary picking up a fight and I won't argue to that. But given the frame of mind I was in, one can say I forgot that I had a right hand too.

I still had my left hand stretched and there was a pin drop silence in the class. Then I could hear some whispers approcahing me which sounded something like,"Abey Oye! Right hand se le le na!" but I had not only forgotten my hand but had also gone deaf (thanks to some high decibel attack on me a few moments ago)

Next thing she did was to throw the answer sheet on the desk in front of her and shout,"Here, take ill mannered brat......and come with me to the examination office after the need to be taught a lesson."
What I said next could well have been a final nail on my coffin. I said,"Wow!! Using left hand is ill manners and throwing an answer sheet so disrespectfully is so much of manners!! Thank you maam for showing me that some of us still live in medieval age... by the way, after I complete the paper, you would like this to be returned with left hand or thrown back?"

Yeah Yeah I know that wasn't the wisest of words I have said in my life but it did actually shut her up for some reason.

So, yours truly next wrote the paper amidst some really heartfelt curses and drilling stares and followed it up with yet another interesting conversation guessed it right... Lady Invigilator the great!!

"Where are you from?"
"Pardon Maam?", I asked while leaving my answer sheet on the stack.
"I asked where are you from?"
"Ma'am, from as in?"
"Don't you get it? I am asking which place do you belong to?"
"Well, India I guess..."
"Shut up!! Don't act oversmart with me. Else I promise I will make sure you are not able to appear in a single exam hereafter...which state are you from?"
"Ma'am seriously I don't have any other answer to your question. My ancestors belong to Bihar, I was born In Jharkhand, lived in Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat and now... Tamil Nadu....which state should I name?"
"Where do your parents live?"
"So, In Gujarat, people use their left hands for important things?"
"Don't know.. may be they would have done...if they were all left handed"
"Your school, your parents, nobody taught you this?"
"Well, they taught me to be logical...and right now I am not able to come up with any good logic why I should discriminate between my own two hands. Sorry Ma'am, be it hands or states, I don't discriminate between them."
And I left leaving her speechless. Fortunately or unfortunately, I never saw her again.

BY GAJAB KHOPDI..(blog written by a sathyabama student)

1 comment:

  1. really ill minded faculty of sathyabama....
